No : AWC008

King of Jewelry
  • King of Jewelry

    King of Jewelry

    No : AWC008

    Custom award with a red translucent section; a clear section and a white section. Rings are embedded in the clear section; the text on the red translucent section is screen printed while the logo on the white section is etched and colorfilled.

    Special Achievement, Milestones and Mementos

    Branding and Logos



    Etching & Colorfilling

    Screen Printing



    White corrugated gift box


    W : 3 1/8 x H : 11 7/8 x D : 3 1/8

    5 lbs

    Please call for Pricing. Do note that designs may be altered to match your clients creative and budget needs


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    Cube perpetual award
    Wedding anniversary crystal
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